Monday, August 31, 2009
Costa Rica - Sunday
Today, we are traveling home. Our flight is at 6:30 am, which means we need to be at the airport by 4:30. Yuck! Someone at the hotel was nice and fixed toast, fruit, and coffee before we left. We had our final devotions in the airport as we waited for our plane. We changed planes in Houston and the group had to split up. We returned to Detroit on 2 separate flights, but we're all home safe and sound. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you, so feel free to ask us about it. I hope you've enjoyed this blog. I've enjoyed sharing our experiences with you.
COSTA RICA - Saturday
Today was a sightseeing day. We drove north to see the rain forest. 3 members of our group rode the zip line through the rain forest while the rest of us rode the arial tram. The tram ride was about an hour, the first half along the forest floor and the second half up high through the canopy. After the ride, we had a guided walk through the forest so that we could see the plants and animals up close and personal. After lunch in their outdoor cafe, serenaded by cicadas, we had a guided tour of the butterfly and frog house.
After our tours, we drove to Alajuelo, where we are staying in a very quaint hotel. The hotel is only minutes from the airport, which will be handy for our very early flight Sunday morning. After walking around town and seeing a market that looked like it should be on the Amazing Race, we had a final dinner out and ice cream for dessert. Then it's to bed early because our alarm will be going off at 3 am.
Friday, August 28, 2009
After lunch, we drove to the Faro Del Este Iglesia Evangelica Metodista (Light of the East Evangelical Methodist Church). This pretty church was built by one of our team members, Ann Littleton, in memory of her son. The church had several gorgeous stained glass windows and a beautiful mosaic behind the alter.
We found time for a little shopping in Moravia (another suburb of San Jose) before dinner. Dinner this evening was at a nice Italian restaurant a few blocks from the seminary. The evening ended with a final visit with Will & Ella. We shared our impressions of the week and our hopes of seeing them when they come to the States in January and possibly seeing them on a future mission trip. Now everyone is busily packing their suitcases before bed because we have another early morning tomorrow.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
COSTA RICA - Thursday
The construction continues, and will continue long after we've left. The only thing about this project that is not done manually is the actual mixing of the concrete. After it's mixed, it's poured into wheelbarrows, pushed to the work site, and either dumped into the footings or scooped into the holes of the concrete blocks. So it's a very slow process.
Today was the last day of VBS. Our best guess is that there were 90 kids in attendance. It was crazy for a while, but their hugs and kisses make it all worth while. The kids are so sweet and so cute, I'm sure we all found 2 or 3 that we would like to bring home with us.
Good night.
COSTA RICA - Wednesday
Buenos Noches! Good Evening.
Construction was more of the same. More cement. More concrete. More dirt. More mortar. More wheelbarrows. One new thing is that Laura (she's 9) got to run the cement mixer wheel for a while. Be sure to ask her about it when you see her.
VBS moved to the Iglesia Metodista El Sinai. We arrived early so that our bus could pick up kids in a nearby neighborhood. These children seem to be from a tougher neighborhood and so they were a little slower to warm up to us. But they had fun, and at the end we got hugs and kisses from many of them. What could be better?!!
Hasta MaƱana. Until Tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Costa Rica - Tuesday
Today's work at the construction site was very similar to yesterday. Cement, concrete. Cement, concrete. wheel barrow, after wheelbarrow, after wheelbarrow. Dave and Jack were recruited to go down a VERY tall, steep hill and continue the digging of a big hole for the drainage system.
VBS had a new skit and new crafts and LOTS more kids. 35 kids yesterday. 65 today. (the picture above is actually yesterday's skit.) everyone had a good time, both kids and adults. The VBS ended with lots of wonderful hugs from the kids. They are really good huggers and we loved every one of them.
The evening is winding down and we are finishing some craft preparations and laundry. Buenos noches (good night).
Monday, August 24, 2009
Costa Rica - Monday
Today was our first day at the construction site. In Costa Rica, construction is primarily concrete because of earthquakes. So, today we bent and tied rebar, mixed and poured concrete, and put mortar between cement blocks. Many of us learned new things today, including that we're glad that we don't have to do this every day.
After another delicious lunch, we were off to VBS at the Iglesia Evangelica Metodista Rios de Agua Viva. (the Rivers of Living Water Evangelical Methodist Church) We sang songs and performed a skit about creation. Then we split the kids into 5 groups and they rotated thru 5 stations. 3 crafts, a snack and games. The kids were very cute. Some were a little shy at first, but they all had a good time.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Costa Rica - Day 2
The day started with a lively church service with 1 hour of music and 1 hour of sermon. Lunch was in the Orosi Valley. It was a beautiful drive and we had the chance to walk thru the local plant life. The rest of the day was spent preparing for VBS. We learned songs in Spanish, practiced a skit, and prepared craft supplies. Tomorrow the real work begins.
Hasta Luego.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Costa Rica - We're Here!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
COSTA RICA - 36 hours to go

Last Sunday the Costa Rica mission team was commissioned for service. 7 of the 12 members of our team were able to attend. The team members are Jim & Mary Danforth, Dave, Pam & Laura Gee, Ann Littleton, Karen Newberg, Kathy Stroud, Roger & Phoebe Vance, Jack Wilson, and Joan Stark.
Now, with less than 36 hours to go, everyone is busy packing and brushing up on their Spanish. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel. Hopefully, we will be able to post more pictures during our trip.
Updated: I forgot one of the members of our team: Jo Ann Ayers. Sorry Jo Ann.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
BULGARIA Reflections on the trip
You are invited to read youth and counselors reflections on their recent trip to Bulgaria.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
BULGARIA - Update June 19
Everyone is doing very well and send their regards from Yambol, Bulgaria. We have had limited internet access so we have not been able to send messages -- but as you were told, no news is GOOD news. The people of Yambol have been very kind and very appreciative of all of our efforts. The faces of the children warm all of our hearts and we promise to bring home hundreds of pictures to share. Today was a trip to the Black Sea coast to relax and tomorrow on to Veliko Turnovo for more work. We send our love to all of you and we will see you soon.
[Submitted by a Bulgaria team member]
[Submitted by a Bulgaria team member]
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
COSTA RICA - August 22 - 30
New in 2009, FUMC is sponsoring a mission trip to Costa Rica. The project includes helping with the construction of the new Methodist Children’s Home and working with the Mini - VBS at local churches. Participants will be staying in the dormitory of the Methodist Seminary in San Pedro, Costa Rica.
There are still a few openings available on this trip. For more information, please contact the church office.
There are still a few openings available on this trip. For more information, please contact the church office.
ZEBA June 20-27
Our Junior High Youth make this annual week-long summer trip to the Upper Penninsula to serve the children of the Zeba Indian Mission. The Zeba Indian Mission is outside L'Anse, near the base of the Keewenaw Penninsula.
Youth from First United Methodist Church lead daily Vacation Bible School each morning at the Zeba Indian Mission for the children of this community. Youth contribute by planning and facilitating the daily lessons with singing, drama, crafts, and games. In the afternoons, daytrips are planned to see the area sights and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Youth from First United Methodist Church lead daily Vacation Bible School each morning at the Zeba Indian Mission for the children of this community. Youth contribute by planning and facilitating the daily lessons with singing, drama, crafts, and games. In the afternoons, daytrips are planned to see the area sights and enjoy the natural surroundings.
This trip is for the Senior High youth. We will serve at the Tree of Life, an established United Methodist Church mission to the Sioux people. We are assigned to the Crow Creek Reservation.
In addition to repairing homes, churches, and community centers, work includes the following options: leading VBS, serving meals at a drop in center, working at a food pantry or a clothing center. Evening programs focus on Sioux culture. A variety of cultural experiences for our group will include native dancing , drumming and an Inipi (Sweat Lodge Ceremony.)
In addition to repairing homes, churches, and community centers, work includes the following options: leading VBS, serving meals at a drop in center, working at a food pantry or a clothing center. Evening programs focus on Sioux culture. A variety of cultural experiences for our group will include native dancing , drumming and an Inipi (Sweat Lodge Ceremony.)
BULGARIA June 13-25
The emphasis is on building relationships with our mission in Bulgaria, the Yambol congregation, and the disadvantaged youth we serve through the weekly Feeding Program. An important purpose is to learn more about Bulgaria and find ways we can strengthen and support our partnership.
Shortly after arrival, the youth will lead a worship service in Sofia and performing some drama pieces for the congregation. The youth will also paint the church in Vielko Turnovo, work with the children in the Feeding Program, work at an orphanage for children under the age of three, and will help to prepare the property for the new church in Yambol. Additionally, we will be present at the baptism of Svilen and Elizabeth's two children!
A total of 23 people will participate in this trip. Please pray for the youth and counselors, and our friends in Bulgaria.
Shortly after arrival, the youth will lead a worship service in Sofia and performing some drama pieces for the congregation. The youth will also paint the church in Vielko Turnovo, work with the children in the Feeding Program, work at an orphanage for children under the age of three, and will help to prepare the property for the new church in Yambol. Additionally, we will be present at the baptism of Svilen and Elizabeth's two children!
A total of 23 people will participate in this trip. Please pray for the youth and counselors, and our friends in Bulgaria.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Missions at First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor
This is a grand experiment. What if we had a church blog for all of our mission trips? It might be fun to see where we're going, where we've been, and what we did along the way!
Obviously, each trip is a little different. In some locations, internet access and technology altogether is a challenge. On other trips, there is simply not enough time in the day to post the latest news!
Let's see where this takes us.
Obviously, each trip is a little different. In some locations, internet access and technology altogether is a challenge. On other trips, there is simply not enough time in the day to post the latest news!
Let's see where this takes us.
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