For a variety of reasons we take a "no news is good news" approach to our mission trips when they are in progress. Our hope here is to summarize thoughts before and after trips, and perhaps to make occassional updates during trips when possible!
Waterfall hikes, good-bye to Vacation Bible School friends, Water Warriors Island, and dinner with Reverend Rhoades and members of the L'Anse Methodist Church.
After Vacation Bible School and lunch at the park in L'Anse, we have enjoyed three local waterfall hikes. Bob led youth through the water on Sunday at Canyon Falls, on Monday at Power House Falls and Fall River Falls, and on Tuesday at Silver Falls. While a handful walked on the path along the river, most walked down the middle of the river, stepping from rock to rock. By the end of each hike, many had found a walking stick to help guide their path.
Naomi observed "when the counselors say you are going on a waterfall hike, you need to know to bring your bathing suit, water shoes, and towel, because you are not going to view a waterfall you are walking into a waterfall!" Colin H. added, "because the trail is not by the waterfall, the trail is in the waterfall." For Alex, when thinking about waterfall hikes, you need to know that "leeches are scary."
With many smiles and hugs, youth and campers said good-bye to each other today, the last day of Vacation Bible School. Campers left carrying a photo Wendy had taken of each of them with their two youth buddies. They also took the crafts they made, to add to the three days of crafts already at their homes, like bookmarks and boxes and bird-feeders and puzzles and transforming caterpillar/butterflies. All were encouraged to return next summer and to bring family, friends, and neighbors as FUMC continues its twenty-three-year long tradition of hosting the Vacation Bible School at the Zeba United Methodist Church Camp Meeting Grounds.
As has been our routine each day, before breakfast everyone packed a brown bag lunch. Today, after eating our lunch, we headed to Van Riper State Park and Water Warriors Island. The first Zeba mission group to visit Water Warriors Island! After the one-hour adventure, we drove to the Zeba Community Center in L'Anse. Reverend Rhoades and members of the L'Anse United Methodist Church hosted us for a potluck dinner. After dinner, the youth sang songs and presented the play "SodaPop Family Dinner."
While talking about Vacation Bible School during dinner, Leah observed "I had a chance to bond with people I might not otherwise have met." Commenting on all the time the youth spent together, Derek noted "Eva has great nicknames for everyone."
This evening we gathered as we have all but the evening we arrived back late from Copper Harbor, to pray and to sing, in a circle around small lights carefully placed by Wendy. On Sunday, lights were intertwined around prayer rocks made by Church children for the youth, and on Monday, lights in the shape of the cross were interspersed with prayer partner letters. Before heading to bed, some placed final notes in their prayer pal's paper bag mailbox. In the morning, we will leave Alberta to spend the day at Mackinac Island and the night at St. Ignace.