Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BULGARIA - Update June 19

Everyone is doing very well and send their regards from Yambol, Bulgaria. We have had limited internet access so we have not been able to send messages -- but as you were told, no news is GOOD news. The people of Yambol have been very kind and very appreciative of all of our efforts. The faces of the children warm all of our hearts and we promise to bring home hundreds of pictures to share. Today was a trip to the Black Sea coast to relax and tomorrow on to Veliko Turnovo for more work. We send our love to all of you and we will see you soon.

[Submitted by a Bulgaria team member]

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

COSTA RICA - August 22 - 30

New in 2009, FUMC is sponsoring a mission trip to Costa Rica. The project includes helping with the construction of the new Methodist Children’s Home and working with the Mini - VBS at local churches. Participants will be staying in the dormitory of the Methodist Seminary in San Pedro, Costa Rica.

There are still a few openings available on this trip. For more information, please contact the church office.

ZEBA June 20-27

Our Junior High Youth make this annual week-long summer trip to the Upper Penninsula to serve the children of the Zeba Indian Mission. The Zeba Indian Mission is outside L'Anse, near the base of the Keewenaw Penninsula.

Youth from First United Methodist Church lead daily Vacation Bible School each morning at the Zeba Indian Mission for the children of this community. Youth contribute by planning and facilitating the daily lessons with singing, drama, crafts, and games. In the afternoons, daytrips are planned to see the area sights and enjoy the natural surroundings.


This trip is for the Senior High youth. We will serve at the Tree of Life, an established United Methodist Church mission to the Sioux people. We are assigned to the Crow Creek Reservation.

In addition to repairing homes, churches, and community centers, work includes the following options: leading VBS, serving meals at a drop in center, working at a food pantry or a clothing center. Evening programs focus on Sioux culture. A variety of cultural experiences for our group will include native dancing , drumming and an Inipi (Sweat Lodge Ceremony.)

BULGARIA June 13-25

The emphasis is on building relationships with our mission in Bulgaria, the Yambol congregation, and the disadvantaged youth we serve through the weekly Feeding Program. An important purpose is to learn more about Bulgaria and find ways we can strengthen and support our partnership.

Shortly after arrival, the youth will lead a worship service in Sofia and performing some drama pieces for the congregation. The youth will also paint the church in Vielko Turnovo, work with the children in the Feeding Program, work at an orphanage for children under the age of three, and will help to prepare the property for the new church in Yambol. Additionally, we will be present at the baptism of Svilen and Elizabeth's two children!

A total of 23 people will participate in this trip. Please pray for the youth and counselors, and our friends in Bulgaria.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Missions at First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor

This is a grand experiment. What if we had a church blog for all of our mission trips? It might be fun to see where we're going, where we've been, and what we did along the way!

Obviously, each trip is a little different. In some locations, internet access and technology altogether is a challenge. On other trips, there is simply not enough time in the day to post the latest news!

Let's see where this takes us.