Tonight we each shared something we could celebrate. For our youngest member, Moka Johns, it was her birthday that began with Happy Birthday sung by 300+ primary school students and ended with an amazing cake created by the former teacher of one of our drivers who has started her own bakery.
Other celebrations included the safe arrival of our final team member, Dan Nicoli, spending the day with Bishop Imathiu, the exchange of national anthems sung at full strength (I think the Kenyans won), hearing the BLISS band practice, hundreds of hugs by primary students, being welcomed with open arms at two school, and the serving the morning porridge to the students at Gichunge. Everyone had something to share.
This was Monday and the full team jumped into the week. Trying to figure out "how to be of use" is not always easy back in Michigan … it can be tougher here. You have to let go. You have to have faith that you got this far for a reason. Maybe it was to teach "Heart & Soul" to young musician who does everything by ear … or to have two little girls quietly share that today was their birthday too … or to answer the questions about the American electoral process to students facing a big Kenyan election this summer … or to just let someone touch your hair. It's the waiting for it to happen that is tough.
Mark Twain said the two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why. This applies to Kenya. It's only Monday … and a lot of folks are figuring out the why.

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