Friday, February 19, 2010

KENYA - Friday - Feb 19

Good morning everyone! It is just before lunch time. We had a busy day yesterday, so I will try and catch up.

Happy Birthday, Mary!

A small group went to Maua Methodist Hospital on Wednesday morning for a tour and visit with leadership of the hospital. The team was impressed with the hospital's capabilities and excellent connections were made with the nursing program there. Maua is about 1 hour away by car through the Nyambene Mountains. It is a beautiful drive over the ridge and through the valley. It is remote. The hill sides have tea growing. It is picturesque. Everyone enjoyed their visit.

Our usual activities continue at the school.

On Wednesday evening, we had an Ash Wednesday service at Thiiri Center led by Mariilyn and Beth. It was a deeply moving experience for us to be together reflecting on our common experience. Spencer led the music accompanied by guitar. Beth talked about being still and Psalm 51. Marilyn talked about: "It's not what God calls you to do but who God calls you to be"

Thursday was a long day. We had dinner at Moses and Dorothy's home. We enjoyed the fellowship of their family and neighbors. In the afternoon , some of the group went into Meru town and visited Makena Industries, which is a textile workshop that provides employment for poor women by manufacturing woolen goods. They take wool through all the stages from spinning to weaving rugs and making other items for sale. The group also visited other ministries in the area, visiting Kaaga Methodist Church, the first Methodist Church founded in Kenya. The first missionaries were sent to the land of witch doctors, known as Kaaga, to test their resolve by the Kenyan leaders. They survived and thrived, so the rest is history.

We also visited Meru University, which is about 15 minutes east of BLISS. A public university is being established that low school fees there. It is being built at the site of a former college that closed. We are intriqued by the possibility of collaborations between UM and this school. They have an outstanding leader. On Thursday, our youth has an outing with local youth to a sacred lake. They had a wonderful time together. They just enjoyed the time being together.

Today is a big day at BLISS as the biology class is doing the dissection of a goat. Jeff and Dan are taking the lead on this project, of course. The students are extremely intriqued and attentive. They are like sponges of knowledge. Just as in the reproductive health session, they have many good questions and want to learn as much as they can.

We have a big day on Saturday. It is a day long celebration at BLISS. There will be entertainment by the students, lunch, singing, dancing, and some speeches, of course also. Moses tells us it will be less formal than the School Dedication last year. The cornerstone of the new science will be layed. It will be a special day! The community dug the trench for the foundation of the building on January 30. Over 200 people were involved, including students, teachers and parents.

Our time is passing quickly. We continue to be blessed as we work together.

We continue to appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

Bwana asifiwe! (Praise God)

Gary and Beth

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