Monday, February 20, 2012

Kenyan Mission: Monday, February 20

Dear Family and Friends,

Another beautiful and amazing day in Kenya was filled many blessings and learnings!

Today was our first day of being in service at BLISS and Kithoka Primary and Gichunge Primary Schools. Our day began with school devotions at BLISS with the BLISS band greeting us, followed by words of greetings and welcome from principal Moses. The Kenyan students shared a devotion. Then Lydia Kline and Rachel Metz from our team shared words of devotion and their interests. It was a wonderful time to be together.

Some of the team stayed at BLISS and were introduced to the teachers. Team members were matched by interests and then planning for the week began. One team was sent to each of Kithoka Primary and Gichunge Primary Schools. Crafts, stories and music were shared with a classroom of primary students at a time. Scissors and craft projects were a new experience for most of the students. There were many smiling faces! Building relationships with these schools in this way provide an avenue to understanding the goals and needs of the schools and children.

There was electricity at BLISS today! Monday is typically power grid maintenance day, which means no electricity. Not today. So computer lessons were taught to many eager students. Other classes were visited by team members to understand Kenyan teaching styles and curriculum.

Band music lessons were taught by Jerry Robbins and several team members. The band received the attention of so many capable musicians on our team today. There was much excitement and energy.

All in all, it was full day. We had a wonderful dinner at Thiiri Center this evening, followed by a time of devotions and small group dialog.

Again, I must say everyone here would agree that we learned more from our Kenyan sisters and brothers than we provided them. It's really not possible to communicate the depth of new and meaningful friendships that were started or renewed today. If a map were created of connections and relationships today, it would show an amazing image.

Everyone is doing fine. and There is not much time to write email, so don't be concerned if you don't hear from someone individually. They know I am writing for them.

Even though poverty here is acute, there is an amazing human spirit and God's presence that is witnessed by each one of us. We have been moved deeply today.

You are in our thoughts and prayers! We have deeply appreciated your prayers and support.

God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good!

On behalf of everyone here,

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