Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Zeba 2018 Day 3: Monday

Vacation Bible School, rock hopping, and waterfalls.


The first day of Vacation Bible School began with the entire team welcoming new and returning campers. Some returning campers immediately ran to youth they had enjoyed Vacation Bible School with last summer. Teams of two youth were paired with one or more "buddies" who they will remain with for the four days of camp.


Once all gathered, Jessica, Margaret, Colin H., Connor, Graham, and Alex led a series of songs. The campers then enjoyed "Saul on the Road to Damascus" performed by Grace, Lucy, Nathan, Nicolas, Jack, and two volunteers from the audience. Divided into two groups, the youth and their buddies created crafts such as bookmarks and bracelets led by Leah, Naomi, Liam, Finn, Colin N., and Ben, or participated in games such as "sharks and minnows" or "capture the flag" led by Mikey, Eva, Marcelo, Derek, and Adam.  Mikey commented that the game "everyone is it" was a highlight for the older group.


After exploring downtown L'Anse after lunch, with some youth heading to the Frosty Freeze for ice cream cones, the team hiked down the middle of the Falls River until reaching a series of waterfalls. Connor said the "hike was worth it even though we all got soaking wet!" All did get wet during the hike, and anyone who managed to stay at all dry, ended up submerged in water at the falls where many stood behind the falling water.


After dinner, the music group, craft group, and game group shared a portion of their plan for tomorrow, and the drama group presented the Day 2 play, "Bartimaeus Sees." During the small group meetings that followed, a common "wow" or "holy cow" youth shared was a moment at Vacation Bible School or an aspect of the beautiful Falls River Falls hike. All then headed to their rooms with their prayer partner letters in hand, looking forward to tomorrow, Vacation Bible School, a trip to Copper Harbor, and the promise of more "wows" and "holy cows" to share.


When asked at the end of the evening for a quote about the mission trip, Lucy replied: "it's a blast!" and then asked to add for her mom and others, "and I am not being sarcastic!"




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