Friday, June 27, 2014

Zeba 2014 - Thursday

The weather keeps getting better and better. On Thursday morning, the sun was shining and the sky was so clear and blue you could see forever.

Out at the campground, the ground was drying and the mosquitoes were buzzing - it was perfect. The kids were enthusiastic and energetic as we sang, played games, made crafts, watched skits, and ate cookies.  We even had the rare opportunity to take a group photo - something we don't get to do most years.  As usual, the photo frame craft was the favorite. On Monday, we took pictures of all the kids with their little buddies and today they were able to put that picture in a frame and decorate it.

After VBS, the L'Anse and Zeba congregations bought us lunch at Subway. Thank You!  We ate in shifts and while one half of our group was eating, the other half was using the car wash and vacuum cleaner across the street.  Getting the mud from the campground off of the vans and the accumulated dirt of a week's living out of the carpet felt pretty good.

Once we were all clean and shiny, we went back to Alberta and changed into swim gear before heading out to another swimming opportunity.  There was too much water in the Sturgeon River and so we couldn't do the "cliff jumping" swim. Instead we went to another set of cascades where the kids could climb and swim in the river.

After dinner, we built a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. Yum! As we sat around the fire, an impromptu talent show broke out with guitar solos, very impressive ballet moves, and some slapstick ballroom dancing.

Small group discussions and a hearfelt conversation in the large group ended the evening. Everyone went to bed tired in the body but warmed in the heart.

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