Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Zeba 2014 - Wednesday

Wednesday dawned much nicer than Tuesday. The temperatures were still chilly, but there was no rain - even though the sky was overcast.  Toward evening, it even got to be rather pleasant and sunny.

VBS was at the campground, which was a much more comfortable situation. As is usual, we had even more kids than on the previous two days. There were silly songs to sing, drama, and lots of fun at games playing "red light - green light" and "keep it up". At crafts, we decorated pillowcases and made lizards out of craft sticks and pipe cleaners.  There were lots of smiling faces at pick up time.

We ate our sack lunches at the campground and headed off to the Indian Cemetery.  As the kids walked among the graves and looked at the headstones and the spirit houses, they spontaneously formed a discussion group among themselves where they could talk about the people in their lives that they've loved and lost. Many of them reported later that this was a highlight of their day.

When we got back to camp, we engaged in an afternoon of creative silliness with the first (and quite possibly last) quadrennial run for the coveted Zeba Cup. There was a "Two Minute Marathon", 3-legged soccer, the back-to-back balloon relay, and of course - the water balloon toss.  Team Blue clinched the trophy with a strong 1st and 2nd place finish in that event.

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