Thursday, February 20, 2014

Kenya Mission: Friday 7 am

Good morning, all!

Another full day... It has been an amazing time together.

School devotions were held at Kithoka Youth Polytechnic on Thursday and were led by Eli Kline and Pastor Nancy. Youth that do not qualify for secondary school often attend the Polytechnic to receive vocational training. The school has changed dramatically over the past year with enrollment now at 187 and many improvements to the facilities.

At Gichunge Primary School, porridge is served at 11 am each morning. Porridge is a mixture of corn flour, millet and sorghum, and has the consistency of cream of wheat. The teachers make sure that children who do not have food at home get extra servings. We were even able to help serve the children one morning. This is an important new program that our church is supporting.

Dixie and Al met with the Scouts at BLISS today. They presented them with first aid kits, neckerchiefs, and scouting manuals. Each of the 35 scouts received a letter with a photo from a member of Troop 4 in an letter exchange.

In Biology class, Al, Brad and Jazz dissected an animal heart, lung and kidneys for the students. The students particularly enjoyed the demonstration of lung inflation by a tire pump.

Bishop Imathiu escorted Jeff Punch, Greg Hulbert and Larry Dittmar to Meru University to meet with the Vice Chancellor there. They spent about 3 hours discussing their respective institutions and possible interactions.

This evening we had dinner with Bishop Imathiu, and he shared some of his life story, including the time he traveled to S. Africa to meet with President Botha to demand the release of Nelson Mandela. He did not release Mandela but he release a friend of Mandela's instead. He also shared some of his other experiences of leading the Methodist Church of Kenya during a time of tremendous church growth.

It is hard to believe our week is almost over. Our time has passed quickly.

From all of us here in Kenya representing you,

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