Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kenya Mission: Sunday 7:30 am


Saturday was the BIG celebration for BLISS' 10 year anniversary. It was very special. We arrived at about 9 am and returned to the Thiiri Centre about 4:30 pm.

The students and staff were busy preparing for the day when we arrived. Everyone had a job, imagine 500 people making preparations at the same time. From cooking a meal to setting up science demonstrations in the lab to moving a sand pile that was in the way, we were impressed with all the efforts.

The event got started at about 10:45 am with a cultural extravaganza put on by the BLISS students, as well as student groups from Gichunge Primary, Kithoka Primary, and Kithoka Polytechnic. There was drama, dancing, skits, and singing. Many performances were elaborate and almost all done in Kimeru. A highlight of the day was the music directed by the new music teacher. The band put on an exceptional performance. We were impressed by the BLISS choral performances as well.

There were many, many, many speeches in true Kenyan fashion. We loss track of the number. The best speaker of the day was Quinn Johns who related his experience of being in Kenya for the first time and being at BLISS and Gichunge. Students and families were ecstatic in their response! You should be quite proud parents, Melanie and Eric!

In the midst of it all, there was a time for EVERYONE to join in a circle dance that went into a spiral.

There was a ceremonial cake cutting. Our group presented the Anniversary Photobook that we put together. Our church was presented a BLISS flag inscribed with an expression of gratitude to FUMC.

The entire day was filled with endless gratitude and joyous celebration!!! They were so appreciative of us JUST being with them on this special occasion. The great distance we traveled had great significance for them.

We were blessed and blessed and blessed. It was indeed a very SPECIAL day. One we will long remember. There are a few photos to help share the experience with you.

For all the team, who are too busy to write, but send their greetings and love,

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