Friday, June 28, 2013

Alabama - Day 5

Another hot, sunny humid day in Alabama, but not surprisingly the kids were fired up for another day of work.
As the week passes we are all sleeping better and better in our temporary home. So it is harder to get up
as some of us are literally bone tired. And the poor boys have to get up earlier than the girls everyday since
they are sleeping in the common room where we all eat and gather at the beginning and end of the day.

Work groups were reworked today and I apologize that for this posting I don't have the listing of the work 

We added a work site today. The crew going to this remote site was digging foundation footers for the foundation
of a new Heart and Hand Home. It was a hot day at that site as there are no trees around it. But not as hot as
it could've been thanks to the MacGyver talents of John Kline, who rigged a shade shelter out of an old pop up
tent frame, duct tape and atarp. Alas, that did not protect the kids from the ticks that were present on the site.
Upon their return, we did a tick check to make sure all coasts were clear before they settled in for dinner.

Another group of kids went to help at the Dutton Summer Reading Program Celebration. At that site they
helped with set-up, games, crafts and tear down. Many children came to this event and they all had great fun 
interacting with the kids. After tearing down, they all moved to the Parish Center to help paint a playground
structure and price clothing for the gift shop.

There was another crew at the Parish Center who helped to construct a second playground and fence. 
This involved the use of power saw, which some of the kids couldn't wait to get their hands on.

The folks at the roofing site completed the roof with the exception of the peak cap. The shed at this home
was also cleaned out and tree branches that were close to the shed were also trimmed. And then everything
(and I mean everything) was burned in a very large bonfire. I don't think recycling is part of the life style
here right now. The other home where the floors were mopped in preparation for painting, was painted 
by this same crew. This home will be move in ready once we leave.

There was another day of work at the cannery. The kids in this crew made blackberry/green tomato jam.
This I'm told was also very tasty. At the end of their shift, they joined the painting party on the playground. 
I think equal amounts of paint were applied to the ground and the structure.

At the end of the workday, we shuffled back to the church for much needed showers, another lovely
dinner, some much needed downtime, devotions and a pre-bedtime treat of ice cream prepared
by local families. This was served with fresh fruit - YUM!

We went to bed fulfilled and tired. Not only from the treat but also from the satisfaction of a hard days
work done in service to others.

"Christ has no hands, no feet, but yours.
Christ has not body now, but yours, no hands
no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which he looks with
compassion on this world. 
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
~St. Theresa of Avila

Deborah Wood
Senior Art Director

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